One-nth Decade and Octave Intervals

In many practical investigations, including computer-generated frequency-res’ Dose data. it is necessary to specify logarithmic frequency intervals within one decade or within one octave, For example, we may want ten logarithmic-ally spaced frequencies within one decade. These frequencies are said to be at one-tenth decade intervals. Similarly. three logarithmically spaced frequenr ies in one octave are said to be at

4. The frequency 1 decade below [. is (0.1)[. = 3 Hz. From Figure 10-6, the magnitude of the gain at this frequency is approximately 15, so Av = 20 logrolling = 23.52 dB. 5. The frcqli6ncy I octave abovej; is 2f! = 20 kHz. From Figure J 0-0. the magnitude of the gain at 20 kHz is approximately lOS, so All = 20 logrolling = 40.42 dB. 6. The gain ),5 dB below mid band is (47.96 dB) – (15 dB) = 32.96 dB Logitech” = 32.96 longboat, = 1.6 anti log( I.64H) 44.46 From Figure 10-6. the frequencies at which A = 44.46 arc approximately 6.5 Hz

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