The FET shown in Figure 9-32 has the y-parameter specifications shown in Figure 9-31. 1. Draw the y-parameter equivalent circuit of the FET at f = 100 MHz, assuming that VGS = 0 and VDS = 15 V. 2. Find the values of Cg Cg H and Cds under the same conditions as (1), given that = 2 pF. 3. Draw the low-frequency y-parameter equivalent circuit of Figure 9-32. Assume that Vp = -4 V, 4. Find the low-frequency voltage gain Luvs in Figure 9-32.

With reference to Figure 9-28, we can construct the y-parameter equivalent circuit as shown in Figure 9-33. Note that the admittance of parallel impedance are additive, so each impedance in the figure is the reciprocal of one of the conductance or acceptance values listed previously: Since the imaginary parts of Is, y», and Yo. are negligibly small at low frequency, the v-parameter equivalent circuit at low frequency is as shown in Figure 9-34. (We assume that the coupling capacitors are large enough to have negligee’ able impedance.) Notice that the y-parameter equivalent circuit for the FET has bee: reduced to the form we have used in previous examples.Section 9 Hybrid- (h-) Parameter Definitions 9-1. Find the values of the h parameters for each of the networks shown in Figure 9-35. 9-2. Find the values of the II parameters for each of the networks shown in Figure 9-36. 9 Find the values of the II parameters for the circuit shown in Figure 9-37. Section 9-3 Hybrid Equivalent Circuits 9-4. Draw the hybrid equivalent circuit of each of the networks in Exercise 9 Label the values on each component of the equivalent circuits. 9-5. Draw the hybrid equivalent circuit of each of the networks in Exercise 9-2. Label the

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